HAVIT Online Blog

GoMechanicalKeyboard.com: Havit HV-MS794 – An Excellent Everyday Gaming Mouse
GoMechanicalKeyboard.com recently released a review for HAVIT HV-MS794 Programmable Gaming Mouse, and rated it 8.9 out of 10. To read this review, ...

Introducing HAVIT HV-KB389L Mechanical Gaming Keyboard (Photo Review)
If you search for mechanical gaming keyboard in the market, you'll notice most of them are black or dark color, including ours. However, not everyo...

Gadgetviper.com: HAVIT Mouse review – HV-MS732 professional gaming mouse
Gadgetviper.com recently reviewed our HV-MS732 Gaming Mouse, awarding it 8.8 out of 10 score. Quote: "If you were unaware of brand identity or pric...

Proclockers.com: Havit HV-KB366L Mechanical Keyboard Review
Editor from Proclockers recently reviewed our HV-KB366L Mechanical Keyboard , awarding it "Best value" badge. To learn more about the keyboard, ple...

Gadgetviper.com: Havit HV-KB366L backlit mechanical gaming keyboard review
GadgetViper recently reviewed our HV-KB366L backlit mechanical gaming keyboard, rating it 8.8 out of 5 starts. To learn more about this keyboard, p...

Overclockerstech.com: Havit Professional Gaming Keyboard Review
Editors from Overclockers Tech reviewed our Lammergeier HV-KB346L Programmable Gaming Keyboard, and awarded it a silver award, with a score 8.9 out...

Toptenreviews.com: Havit HV-F2056 Review
Toptenreviews recently reviewed our HV-F2056 laptop cooling pad, giving it 9 out of 10 score. Quotes: "Havit designed the HV-F2056 to be a durable,...